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Andres Torres Home Run SwingI've spent most of my life working as a troubleshooter in one form or another. I started out troubleshooting computer systems and then changed to troubleshooting new products and companies. My latest stint is as a troubleshooter of baseball hitting mechanics.

Hitting Myths & Misconceptions

My first major league baseball client was Andres Torres, who I helped improve his swing so that he would be able to stick at the major league level.

One of the key things I did for Andres was help him to understand the problem with many of the things he had been taught about hitting, starting with...

...and then getting into topics like...

Albert Pujols Swing Analyses

Albert Pujols is one of the greatest hitters of our time, and it was my analyses of Albert Pujols' swing that helped Andres Torres rebuild his swing.

Kids Have to Swing Differently

While it's true that most kids' swings are very different than the swings of major leaguers, I have seen enough kids who are able to copy the hitting mechanics of major leaguers that I believe that the big difference is just due to instruction and experience.

A Good Swing By A Young Hitter

A Good Swing By A Young Hitter

A Good Swing By A Young Hitter

Of course, kids and females aren't as strong as adult baseball players. That's why they play on smaller fields and, more importantly, swing lighter bats. That lets them use the same mechanics as the best ballplayers in the world.

Level Swing

When it comes to the leagues that my kids play in, perhaps the most popular cue that I hear coaches and parents use is, "Level swing." The problem is that, if you look at pictures of good hitters, it's rare to ever find a picture of a good hitter swinging with their bat level to the ground.

Don Mattingly's Swing

Don Mattingly

For instance, Don Mattingly may be the chief salesman for the level swing, but here he is with a swing that is anything but level to the ground.

For More Information

Truth In HittingIf you are interested in learning more about the myths of hitting, Truth in Hitting is a great place to start. It is an in-depth look at the most common, and most destructive, myths and misconceptions about hitting. That includes the myths and misconceptions that limited the swing of Andres Torres and that he had to understand before he was able to be successful in the major leagues.

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