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The A to B Hand Path & Swing is an old, Linear idea that's been making a resurgence of late, largely through the use of conveniently, and deceptively, cropped clips.

A to B Hand Path & Swing

The idea of the A to B swing or hand path is that, in a good swing, the hitter's hands move only, and directly, forward.

Meaning there is no Hitch in the Swing.

The problem is most good swings, including the swing of Albert Pujols, include a Hitch.

Notice how Albert Pujols hands go A to B before they go to C.

Albert Pujols Swing

What is an advocate of the A to B Swing to do?

Crop out Albert Pujols' Hitch.

Albert Pujols Swing

Of course, logic says that doesn't change anything.


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