Daisuke Matsuzaka's Pitching Mechanics
Everybody seems to be interested in Daisuke
Matsuzaka's pitching mechanics. I recently
found the sequence of photos below of Dice-K
pitching that was shot from the front.

thought that people would be interested if I broke
this sequence down frame by frame and that it would
be interesting to compare it to the breakdown that I
did previously of the pitching motion and mechanics
Daisuke Matsuzaka.

Frame One
This frame shows Daisuke Matsuzaka just starting his leg lift
after planting his Pitching Arm Side (aka PAS) foot.

Frame Two
In this frame, Daisuke Matsuzaka is at the top of his leg lift
and is just about to start striding toward the plate. Notice that
his hips are significantly reverse-rotated, but his shoulders are
not as reverse-rotated.

Frame Three
This frame shows Daisuke Matsuzaka just after breaking his
hands. Notice how he is taking the ball back toward 2B and has
dropped his PAS hand back by his PAS pocket. This will help to
hide the ball from the batter, which is one thing that helps to
make a pitcher sneaky fast. His Glove Side (aka GS) foot is
sweeping out toward 3B as he strides and he is leading his stride
with the heel and side of his GS foot. I call this striding
sideways to the target. Dice-K is pointing his glove
just to the 3B side of the plate.

Frame Four
This frame shows Daisuke Matsuzaka in what some call the Power
Position. His GS foot has just planted and his shoulders are just
starting to rotate. His hips are fairly open (45 to 60 degrees)
while his shoulders are still closed. He is still hiding the ball
from the batter. He landed with his GS foot pretty much in line
with Home Plate but with his GS toe pointing just slightly to the
3B side of Home Plate.

Frame Five
This frame shows Daisuke Matsuzaka just after the Release
Point. You can see that Dice-K throws from a 3/4 arm
slot. His glove is in the vicinity of his GS pec. His PAS foot is
still on the ground.

Frame Six
In this frame, Daisuke Matsuzaka's PAS foot has just come up
off the ground as his hips have continued to turn.

Frame Seven
In this frame, Daisuke Matsuzaka's arm has pretty much
decelerated. His PAS foot has kept coming forward which helps his
hips to keep turning which helps his arm to smoothly decelerate.
One thing to notice is that Dice-K never locks his GS
knee. Some people think this is important to throwing at high
velocity. It's pictures like these that make me question that

Frame Eight
The thing that strikes me in this frame is that Daisuke
Matsuzaka finishes in a solid fielding position. He is square to
the batter, his eyes are locked on the target, and his glove is
near his GS pec. This will help him field his position better
than average (and help to protect him from come-backers).