> BUYPitching > What Happened: Kerry Wood?

Kerry Wood Pitching MechanicsWhat happened to Kerry Wood?

How did I start to figure out the role pitching mechanics played in the epidemic?

By watching Kerry Wood, among a few other often injured pitchers.

What Happened to
Kerry Wood?

What happened to Kerry Wood?

The picture below of Kerry Wood, from 2006, clued me in to the fact that he, and many other pitchers, was doing something VERY different.

Kerry Wood Timing and Flat Arm Syndrome

Kerry Wood

Kerry Wood, and most modern pitchers, were moving VERY differently than Nolan Ryan did, for example.

Nolan Ryan's Pitching Mechanics

Nolan Ryan

While Nolan Ryan's pitching arm got UP as he went into (Front) Foot Plant, Kerry Wood's was FLAT.

Kerry Wood's Pitching Mechanics

Kerry Wood

Kerry Wood's Pitching Mechanics

Kerry Wood

Kerry Wood's Pitching Mechanics

Kerry Wood

Kerry Wood's Pitching Mechanics

Kerry Wood

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