The Pitching
March 2007
Real-Time Illustrations and Analyses of
Proper and
Improper Pitching Mechanics
Pitching Mechanic - April 2007
Frame By Frame Analysis:
Daisuke Matsuzaka
I have
just completed a frame by frame analysis of the
pitching motion and mechanics of
Daisuke Matsuzaka. Once the document loads, use the
page up and page down buttons to go frame by frame
through the clip.
Frame By Frame Analysis: Roger
I have
just completed a frame by frame analysis of the
pitching motion and mechanics of
Roger Clemens. Once the document loads, use the
page up and page down buttons to go frame by frame
through the clip.
Predictions About The
Cardinals' Pitchers For 2007
If I'm
going to convince people that I know what I'm
talking about, I'm going to have to make some
predictions that come true.
So here goes.
While my Cardinals are leaving Spring Training with a
great team ERA (sub 2.0), I am still concerned about
the team's prospects for this year due to what I
think is a high level of injury risk among their
As I have said before, I think that
Anthony Reyes will be the Cardinals' Mark Prior;
a pitcher who shows tremendous promise but who ends
up with a series of injury problems. I would not be
surprised if Reyes struggles in July or August of
this season, and hits a major bump in the road by
the end of next season.
I continue to be concerned about the PAS shoulder of
Adam Wainwright. His PAS elbow gets really high,
and I am concerned that, ala
Jonathan Papelbon, he could start having
problems in August.
While Chris Carpenter has been relatively healthy of
late, probably due to increased attention to the
conditioning of his shoulder, he still has a problem
with habitual
rushing. As a result, I think he is at an
increased risk of experiencing shoulder problems.
To finish on an up note, I do like the mechanics of
Kip Wells. While I haven't been able to study
him in depth, from what I have seen his timing is
good and he doesn't make the
Inverted W. I also think the Braden Looper has
solid mechanics, although I hate how he finishes. If
someone hits a ball back at him, he's screwed.
Frame By Frame Analysis: Mariano
I have
just completed a frame by frame analysis of the
pitching motion and mechanics of
Mariano Rivera. Once the document loads, use the
page up and page down buttons to go frame by frame
through the clip.

One thing to notice is
that Mariano Rivera does not make the
Inverted W.
Kerry Wood's Shoulder
Sorry I've been quiet of late. I'm back from vacation and catching up on what I've
One recent development is that Kerry Wood's shoulder
problems have cropped up again. I'm not surprised by this, given
that Wood has a serious problem with
Rushing. As you can see in the photo sequence below, Wood
starts rotating his shoulders before his PAS forearm is vertical
and while his PAS elbow is above or at the level of his shoulders.

If I'm right, then in the near future we should hear
that Wood has been diagnosed with a Labrum problem (and not just a
Rotator Cuff problem).
Teach Your Pitchers To Protect
Yesterday, I came across the
picture below of Jason Simontacchi pitching and it reminded me of
a point I have been meaning to make.

We as pitching coaches have to
teach our kids to finish in a position that will allow them to
protect themselves. The photo above makes it clear that, if a ball
is hit right back at him, Jason Simontacchi is screwed. Notice how
his glove is back behind his GS hip. There's no way that he will
be able to protect himself.

Contrast this with the above
picture of Greg Maddux. He has finished in an athletic position
with his glove at his GS pec, ready to protect his head and his
sternum. It's not a coincidence that Maddux has won 14 gold
How To Protect Young Pitchers
I was recently asked to list 3
things that I think would help to protect the arms of young
pitchers. I thought y'all would be interested in this list.
1. No tournaments. No fall ball.
Never pitch on less than 5 (or better yet 7) days of rest. Limit
pitches thrown in an outing (e.g. 10U = 30, 11U = 35, 12U = 40).
Teach everybody on the team how to pitch.
2. No curveballs or sliders until 16 or 17. Until then, only
fastballs and change-ups. Learn to pronate both fastballs and
change-ups (e.g. circle change).
3. Stick with "natural" arm action (what most people do
instinctively). Once you break your hands, never take you elbows
above the level of your shoulders (e.g. no "Inverted W" or "Making
The M"). Do not show the ball to 2B/CF. Do not always keep your
fingers one top of the ball. Do not break your hands thumbs down.
Instead, after breaking the hands go thumbs up and show the ball
to 3B.
Don't Break The Hands Thumbs
I'm in the middle of a virtual
conversation with a dad whose 10YO son is having a problem with
shoulder laxity. I think his son's problems are related to one bad
piece of advice; that pitchers should keep their thumbs down as
they break their hands.
I think this is bad advice and can lead to both elbow
and shoulder problems.
What I teach my guys is to go "thumbs up" after they
break their hands. This means that they show the ball to 3B as
they raise their PAS arms up into the High Cocked position.
Get The Balance Right
Over the past few days, I've come
across a couple of people with shoulder impingement injuries that
may result from a muscle imbalance. A muscle imbalance means that
the muscles in the front of the shoulder are stronger than the
muscles in the back of the shoulder.
You can get a muscle imbalance by just doing bench
presses (or push-ups) rather than exercises that work the muscles
on both sides of the shoulder. That's like dropping a bigger
engine in a car but not upgrading the brakes.
Poor technique can contribute to the problem. When it
comes to bench presses, that means bringing the bar all the way
down to the chest. When it comes to push-ups, that means bring the
chest all the way down to the floor.
The right way to do bench presses is to not max out the
weight and to not let the elbows go behind the shoulders. The
right way to do push-ups is to not bring the chest all the way
down to the floor (since that also takes the elbows behind the
Also, it's not a coincidence that, if you read Tom
Seaver's book and look at the photos of him doing his work-out, in
most cases he has a 3 to 5 pound barbell in his hand. You don't
need anything heavier.
Pitching Mechanic - February 2007